
「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁做法 步骤 图解

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「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法步骤图


A Whole Chicken│光鸡 1.4-1.9kg
Milk│牛奶 100ml
Potato│土豆 300g
Salt│盐 TT│适量
White Pepper│白胡椒 TT│适量
Chicken Stock│鸡汤 480ml
Edible Coconut Oil│食用椰子油 60ml
Lemon│柠檬 2片│2 slices
All-purpose Flour│中筋面粉 15g

【Elaine】 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法  

  1. Wash the chicken; marinate it with salt and white pepper for half an hour, put two lemon slices into the abdominal cavity; tighten the chicken. 鸡身洗净,用盐和白胡椒腌制半小时,腹腔内放入两片柠檬片,鸡身收紧。

    「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. Wrap the tips of the wings and exposed leg bones in foil to prevent them from burning; Brush the bottom of the plate and the outside of the chicken with a layer of coconut oil. 用锡纸把鸡翅尖和露出来的鸡腿骨包一下,防止烤焦;在盘子底部刷和鸡的外表皮刷一层椰子油。

    「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 把鸡放进烤箱200℃烤15分钟;端出来冷却五分钟,把容器里的油刷上鸡身,继续烤30分钟;端出冷却,涂上油,160℃烤大概15到30分钟。Put the chicken in the oven at 200℃ for 15 minutes; Leave to cool for 5 minutes. Brush the chicken with oil from the container and bake for another 30 minutes. Let cool, coat with the oil and bake at 160℃ for 15 to 30 minutes.

    「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 土豆切块,盐水里煮开,但是不要煮得太过;土豆加盐和白胡椒搅拌成土豆泥,土豆泥中加入牛奶。Cut potatoes and bring to a boil in salted water, but not over cooked; Mash potatoes with salt and white pepper. Add milk to the mash.

    「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. 放凉的烤鸡切块装盘,加上土豆泥。Cool roast chicken, cut into pieces and serve with mashed potatoes.

    「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. 烤盘中的油,中筋面粉和鸡汤调成汁。Mix oil, flour and chicken stock in a baking dish to make a roux.

    「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法步骤图 第7张
  7. 烤鸡淋上汁,撒上白胡椒,加上薄荷点缀。Top the roast chicken with the roux, sprinkle with white pepper and garnish with mint.

    「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法步骤图 第8张
  8. 合照~

    「Elaine」 Roast Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Natural Pan Gravy│烤鸡配土豆泥和天然肉汁的做法步骤图 第9张


REFERENCE: Page 431(Ch17 POULTRY)of On Cooking A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 5th Edition. 参考《烹饪基础知识教科书(第五版)》,第十七章 家禽,431页。(作者把菜谱中的黄油换作了椰子油)