
糖醋排骨Sweet-sour spare ribs做法 步骤 图解

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糖醋排骨Sweet-sour spare ribs的做法步骤图


排骨 spare ribs 500g
蚝油Oyster oil 1 勺/spoon
酱油soy sauce 1 勺/spoon
老抽 dark soy sauce 1勺/spoon
醋 vinegar 1勺/spoon
冰糖 crystal suger 12

糖醋排骨Sweet-sour spare ribs的做法  

  1. 排骨焯水 boil spare ribs in hot water and take out the spare ribs

  2. 干煸排骨 stir fry spare ribs

  3. 加入酱料,翻炒,高压锅压40分钟 add in all the sauces, stir fry until all meat becomes coloured. Cook for around 40 minutes with the pressure cooker.

  4. Open pot cover, add in one tablespoon of vinegar and continue to cook until the water almost dry.